Fundraise for us

Teach First fundraisers jumping in the air

From charity runs to spelling bees, there are so many ways you can fundraise and help to build a fair education for all.

Teach First fundraisers jumping in the air
Imagine you’re going out for a run with a friend. Their half of the running route is clear, yet yours is lined with hurdles. Unfair, right? But that’s what our education system is like for the UK’s poorest children.  
All kids work hard at school. But those from disadvantaged families have always had to overcome more hurdles to keep up with their wealthier classmates. 

We need your help more than ever to give a fighting chance for the country’s poorest young people.

Discover more about the difference you'll make through your fundraising.

I admire Teach First for helping young people like me to get a great education and to move one step closer to fulfil our potential.
Year 11 pupil

Get inspired. Get involved.

Sports events 

Run? Cycle? Swim? However you fundraise, you’ll be helping to get great teachers and brilliant leaders into the schools that need them most. On your marks. Get set…  

Take a look at our Fundraising events 

Personal challenges  

Push yourself to the limit on one of our epic charity events. A mountainous trek. A mind-blowing skydive. An adventure of a lifetime. Our challenge is to unlock the potential in all children, not just some. What will yours be?  

Explore our personal challenges

Organise your own 

Prefer to do your own thing? Use our free resources to create your own fundraiser. Have a pub quiz or spelling bee in your office. Host a bake sale with friends and family. Check out our handy guides and downloadable resources to get you going:

Cheering you on

We’ll support you every step of the way, and we’ve got some great resources and guides to help you smash your fundraising targets. Join Team Teach First and we’ll give you: 

  • dedicated support and training guides to help you prepare for your charity event challenge  
  • our fundraising guide 
  • Teach First running vest, cycling jersey or T-shirt  
  • an enthusiastic Teach First cheer-point to give you a boost at running events!  
Teach First fundraiser in front of Eiffel tower
Runners lined up at the starting line for Teach First's Run the River event.
London to Brighton walker gives thumbs up
I’ve been really impressed by the communication and words of encouragement we’ve received from you, and it’s really helped the fundraising process!
Jen ,
Fundraiser for Teach First

Ready to start fundraising? Email Fareha Begum or call 020 3862 8262.

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