School Resources
Schools and teachers are facing more challenges than ever before. We’re ready to support you now, next year and beyond.
First and foremost: thank you.
We’re so inspired and humbled by the work you’re already doing to support the country’s most vulnerable pupils. We know how hard you’re working to make sure every child gets a brilliant education.
We want to help as much as we can. So we’re compiling resources we hope will support you through this challenging time and beyond. We’ll keep adding resources, so be sure to bookmark this page.
Future terms: an online panel series
We're hosting a series of online discussions exploring some of the most pressing issues schools face today. Sign up to join our digital discussions – all are welcome and attendance is free. Each one features expert voices from across the sector.

Oak National Academy
Made by teachers, for teachers, Oak National Academy is packed with quality-assured, curriculum-mapped video lessons and resources. We collaborated with over 40 educators and organisations to build this site in under two weeks, as an urgent response to the crisis. Each week, Oak will produce 180 hours' worth of free lessons, to be used as a full curriculum or to complement your existing plans.
Webinar: How to deliver online lessons
Online learning is a new area for many. Based on research, and tested by our teaching community, we’ve put together a short video to help you deliver successful lessons online. Watch it here (14 minutes).
Post-school success toolkit
Work experience placements, local employer visits, or careers workshops will all have been postponed recently, but good quality careers education is still as important as ever for your pupils. For extra online support, download our free Post-school success toolkit. Designed for teachers, it will help you share valuable information about post-16 and post-18 options with your pupils at all key stages and phases.
Many who are involved in education already connect and achieve extraordinary things, but there’s always room for greater collaboration – so we support networks of ambassadors and others who want to work together. Because if we work together, we’ll create equality in education sooner.
Missing Pages Library
A collection of book recommendations from our community and the public, full of works by ethnic minority authors they wish they’d had a chance to study at school. We want to inspire teachers, school leaders and exam boards to diversify the English literature texts they celebrate.
Missing Pages Resources
Practical tools to enable teachers, school leaders and exam boards towards a more diverse English literature curriculum.
Running a summer school: a guide for teachers
As a result of COVID-19, there's a serious risk that the attainment gap between poorer pupils and their classmates could grow further. Summer schools – when schools are opened for some pupils over the holidays – can work as special provision to help them catch up.
For even more insights, watch our webinar on summer schools and how to implement them.

Partnering with Teach First
Schools are facing more challenges than ever before. We’re ready to support you now, next year and beyond.
Get in touch to find out about:
- recruiting new trainee teachers.
- how we can support your existing teachers with our range of leadership programmes.
We’re already actively developing variations of our programmes, that will help schools rebound most effectively from COVID-19.
If you’re already a partner school, all the latest information about changes to our programmes due to COVID-19 is available here.