Shiraz Khan
Shiraz Khan
Principal, Ark Oval Primary School

Teach First teachers are a beacon to the vocation

Ark Oval Primary Academy is a school with a rich history and a high level of need. With the right partnership, it has every opportunity to thrive – and does. 

Our Teach First experience has been rewarding.

I’ve been the headteacher at Ark Oval Primary Academy since January 2023.  

My work has always focused on rapid school improvement, and the context at this school has been similar in terms of pupil premium, high mobility, Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND), and high levels of English as an additional language (EAL).  

A school rich in history and diversity

Ark Oval is in East Croydon and is part of Ark Trust, which is a network of 39 schools.  

We are a three-form entry school with just over 600 pupils on roll, from reception to Year 6. Our school community is diverse; we have 67 languages spoken and 40 nationalities.

While our school is diverse and has pupils from different backgrounds, it also includes a high level of need. Our SEND and pupil premium is above the national average, but we’re also seeing high levels of undiagnosed need and 55% of our pupils have English as an additional language.

Going above and beyond in teaching

I first came across Teach First around 7 years ago, when I was a deputy head in a five-form entry school with recruitment and retention issues and Teach First was a good solution.

We initially had three trainees. We learned more about the overall offering, what the provision is and how it would benefit our school.

We also discovered that there is a lot of support available, plus opportunities to grow, develop and mould teachers.  

Our head of maths and head of science are former graduates of the Training Programme, so you can see the dedication.  

Teach First teachers like that are a beacon to the vocation, they go above and beyond.

Quality assurance in recruitment

Working with an education charity like Teach First helps ease a little bit of the pressure around recruitment.

We know we can build a pipeline and potentially have space available for trainees, depending on the needs of the school. We also get a good level of quality assurance and an experience that is backed by Teach First’s strong reputation.

Three of our former trainees are now in our middle leadership team. They are very active and are leading Early Years, maths and science in Year 4.

By leading that curriculum, they’ve taken on responsibilities that will have an impact on the whole school. As subject leads, they ensure quality assurance of their subjects across the school.

Prioritising pupils’ futures

Education is the tool to overcome disadvantage and deprivation, and this is why we align with Teach First.

The aspiration in our school is for everybody to achieve. We want all children to aspire to go to reach their potential for university.

But we know that university is not for everybody, so we also help those pupils to find their own path to a career through our career destinations and experiences to explore options.

Lots of our pupils want to be teachers, so we take that as a big credit.

By working with Teach First, we have a good blend of two organisations that put all children first, in terms of both ethos and achievement.

Happy children learn better

There has been a huge focus on wellbeing in our school and some of our trainees have led on that. We have created zones of regulation and helped children better understand their emotional wellbeing.  

We give pupils the tools to identify and understand the mood they’re in, how they feel in the morning when they come in and what they can do to improve. That’s beneficial to everyone because happy children learn.

We’re involved with the Tim Henman Foundation for tennis and the National Golf Association. So, we have extracurricular activities, such as tennis and golf, which are accessible for all our pupils. 

A dedicated partnership

Teach First has helped us to better assess people’s needs and the support they need.  

Just like children, teachers have different experiences and develop at different paces, so it's not a one size fits all.

The collegiate approach is effective, combining the element of instructional coaching with reflection by the Teach First candidate in taking on that feedback.  

We’ve seen colleagues reflect on feedback and then implement it into their practice successfully.

If I were to sum up my Teach First trainees in one word, I’d say dedicated.

Trusting alternative approaches

If you’re a headteacher considering taking on a Teach First trainee, I would say that the important thing is to be open to the process.

You must invest in your staff, particularly in young talent. When you create a culture of nurture, you set them up for a successful career.

With Teach First, we get more mature staff too, so it gives you an alternative and a different balance. It’s always nice to hear fresh ideas and approaches.

It’s important because teaching can sometimes feel static, so we welcome a fresh perspective. 

Some of our staff have now been in the school for five or six years and they are a credit to their training.

I want to make sure that there's sustainability in the recruitment of and investment in the teachers in my school.  

It’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon.

Our rigorous selection process finds people with the skills and spark to make a brilliant teacher. Work with us to hire trainees who’ll make the biggest impact on your school and pupils – and a lasting difference in education.

Learn more about hiring trainee teachers. 

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